ETHNOS AND GLOBALIZATION: Ethnocultural Mechanisms of Disintegration of Contemporary Nations. Monograph
A. Orlov

ETHNOS AND GLOBALIZATION: Ethnocultural Mechanisms of Disintegration of Contemporary Nations. Monograph

This monograph is devoted to one of the main problems of globalization – ethnocultural disintegration of society and the crisis of the contemporary nation. To explain the growth of ethnocultural differentiation in the context of globalization, an original concept of ethnos and nation genesis is proposed, in which the ethnos and the nation are viewed as different social communities in genesis, dynamics and functions, in which the individual participates … Продолжить

  • автор (соавторы):

    A. Safonov, A. Orlov

  • название оригинала:

    ETHNOS AND GLOBALIZATION: Ethnocultural Mechanisms of Disintegration of Contemporary Nations. Monograph

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    1294, 1651, 565

8,84  вкл. НДС 7,0 %
  • автор (соавторы):

    A. Safonov, A. Orlov

  • название оригинала:

    ETHNOS AND GLOBALIZATION: Ethnocultural Mechanisms of Disintegration of Contemporary Nations. Monograph

  • выход в свет:


  • ISBN:


  • EAN:


  • для возраста:


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  • формат скачивания

    a4.pdf, a6.pdf, epub

  • объем файла в зависимости от формата, кб

    1294, 1651, 565

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