Jesus’ Teachings about the Father. Reconstruction of early Christian teaching based on a comparative analysis of the oldest gospels
Nadeina Daria

Jesus’ Teachings about the Father. Reconstruction of early Christian teaching based on a comparative analysis of the oldest gospels

The content of the book is the text of the author’s doctoral dissertation in philosophy in the field of theology, adapted for a wide range of readers, dedicated to the reconstruction of the Teachings of Jesus based on a critical analysis of ancient sources: the gospels of Thomas, John, Marcion, Luke, Mark and Matthew. The final part of the book contains a reconstruction of the Good News of Jesus compiled by the author … Продолжить

  • автор (соавторы):

    Oleg Chekrygin, Nadeina Daria

  • название оригинала:

    Jesus’ Teachings about the Father. Reconstruction of early Christian teaching based on a comparative analysis of the oldest gospels

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  • EAN:


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    1309, 1672, 469

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  • автор (соавторы):

    Oleg Chekrygin, Nadeina Daria

  • название оригинала:

    Jesus’ Teachings about the Father. Reconstruction of early Christian teaching based on a comparative analysis of the oldest gospels

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  • ISBN:


  • EAN:


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  • формат скачивания

    a4.pdf, a6.pdf, epub

  • объем файла в зависимости от формата, кб

    1309, 1672, 469

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