Quantifying the Moral Dimension. New steps in the implementation of Kohlberg’s method and theory
Федор Козырев

Quantifying the Moral Dimension. New steps in the implementation of Kohlberg’s method and theory

The book presents the results of an educational survey and a new instrument for diagnostics of moral judgment capacities based on the dilemma method. This instrument is proposed for the quantitative assessment of aspects of the personal moral development and in particular to detect morally gifted children. Reflections on the results include a revision of Kohlberg’s 6-stage model of moral development and wider considerations regarding … Продолжить

  • автор (соавторы):

    Fedor Kozyrev

  • название оригинала:

    Quantifying the Moral Dimension. New steps in the implementation of Kohlberg’s method and theory

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  • ISBN:


  • EAN:


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    a4.pdf, a6.pdf, epub

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    1513, 1604, 1326

9,20  вкл. НДС 7,0 %
  • автор (соавторы):

    Fedor Kozyrev

  • название оригинала:

    Quantifying the Moral Dimension. New steps in the implementation of Kohlberg’s method and theory

  • выход в свет:


  • ISBN:


  • EAN:


  • для возраста:


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  • формат скачивания

    a4.pdf, a6.pdf, epub

  • объем файла в зависимости от формата, кб

    1513, 1604, 1326

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